Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Branch Hours Alert Feature

Currently, Branch Home Pages have Branch Hours displayed in a grid underneath the location information, and changes have to be made by The Idea House. We can now give control to the Y Admin level to create Alerts and Notifications to make changes to the regular hours due to Holidays, Emergencies, etc, through a new tab in the Admin called Branch Hours-Alerts.

This functions similarly to the main Home Page Alert feature which is for Association-wide use. Admin users will be able to specify a Title, Message, and an Expiration Date for their notification. It is also Branch-specific; separate Alerts can be set up for different branches. The Alerts appear on the Branch Home page just below the current hours.

Friday, August 3, 2012

"Watch Dog" helps you keep tabs on your site's schedule

Watch Dog is a maintenance tool for CSTwo Admins to find and repair "Dead-End" classes that have no online schedule.

CSTwo delivers a huge amount of schedule information to visitors through an easy to navigate interface. The schedule is easy to manage because you can enable hundreds of people in your association to contribute and maintain it. As time goes by, classes end and sessions drop from the schedule. If new sessions aren't added, visitors arrive at a dead-end page with no schedule information available.

Watchdog gives you a full report of all of these dead-end classes and gives you links to address the problem. For each dead-end class you can :

  • View the page as visitors see it
  • Immediately schedule a new session
  • View the full history of the class
  • Hide the class from the schedule so that visitors no longer reach a dead-end
  • Assign the class to someone else by sending them an email asking them to fix it.